Water Hydrant Flushing
The Reedsburg Water Utility has just over 64 miles of water main and some 620 hydrants located throughout and serving the City of Reedsburg. The primary purpose of these hydrants is for fire protection or protection of property in the event of fire. It is most important that all hydrants remain both functional and accessible at all times. If you become aware of a hydrant that is damaged or otherwise tampered with, please notify the Water Utility at 524-4381.
Systematic flushing of the cities hydrants assure that all locations are in working condition and available if the need arises.
Ready access to fire hydrants is more of an issue during the winter months when snow and snow banks often bury many of the hydrants. The Water Utility encourages and greatly appreciates all those property owners who provide help by clearing snow away from any hydrants on their premises.
All hydrants in the City are “flushed” in the Spring (April/May) and Fall (September/October) each year to improve water quality. The Utility will typically advise the public in advance of “flushing” by publishing a notice of the anticipated flushing schedule in the news. The notice is further posted on the Reedsburg Utility website and local access TV channels.