Local Water Supply
The Water Utility is made up of and maintains (5) Five well sites throughout the City to supply water to the residents.
Along with the well sites, the water utility regulates (2) two pressure zones and covers approximatelly (64) sixty-four miles of water mains supplying over 620 fire hydrants
The Utility pumps an average of 2.5 million gallons of water per day in the summer and 1.5 million gallons in the winter to our customers. Depth of our wells range from 250-515 feet. Storage consists of (4) four reservoirs. The storage ensures water availability during periods of high demands and provides water pressure throughout the system.
The Reedsburg Water Utility works around the clock to provide top quality water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect our water sources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future.